My website’s aim is to give clients as much necessary information as possible to make an informed decision. I want them to know who I am and what I offer without any hesitation. With that said, some questions slip through again and again, regardless of the couple or the inquiry! I listed some of the […]
SIX WHOLE YEARS! We now need TWO hands when telling people our age! This is crazy! It’s been six years since I received that official LLC letter (the one with my business name FINALLY spelled correctly – because yes I had to file it twice). What is an LLC? Welp, to save you from all […]
There are multiple editing styles within the realm of photography. The two main ones are light and airy and dark and moody. There are also some subgroups such as warmer (more orange), cooler (more blue), film-like, high-contrasty, and so on and so forth. Now a days though, with presets and the ability to create your […]
It’s super weird talking about yourself to an audience you can’t really see. But for an introvert, it is one of the best things social media has provided: A way to “sell” my product and my love for my job without having to network in person. It eliminates that sweaty handshake and stutter. I don’t […]
I realized my blog train has been wedding-heavy the past few months, so why not mix it up! Did you know I capture newborn sessions? And did you know I do these exactly the same as any other session?? Yup, candid and naturally. I won’t put anyone (no matter how small!) in specific poses, or […]
It’s funny because when I went full time, I viewed Pinterest in a negative light. Not only because of my style of shooting but also when I say I’m on Pinterest, many people assume everything I pin I want re-created. But it is not for re-creation. It is for INSPIRATION. I don’t pose, but that doesn’t […]
When I began my college photography courses, there were a ton of dos and don’ts. The most important criteria was how sharp your images had to be. I mean – it’s fairly common knowledge to say when you think of a good photograph you think of a crisp, in-focus one. It is what wins awards. […]
I’ve got a bone to pick with you people. I understand that selfies have a bad rap. I get it – dang youths – just taking it way too far sometimes! (Said in Schmidt’s voice) But what happens when we define a selfie as a snapshot in your life. As a memory of what you […]
Okay, so I wrote an Instagram caption the other day. It wasn’t my typical gushy girl kind of caption. Instead it was long and didn’t have any exclamation points. (Rare right?! haha) But it was a topic that seems to be taboo now a days, which is to take care of yourself. Mental health is something […]
Hiiiii friends! If you’ve followed me on Instagram for a while, or at least over a weekend, you’ll know that when I have a wedding I immediately go home and back up the images. During this time, I have accomplished an array of activities that keep me from falling asleep at my computer (although one […]