Podcast Interview | Trying My Best!

It’s super weird talking about yourself to an audience you can’t really see. But for an introvert, it is one of the best things social media has provided: A way to “sell” my product and my love for my job without having to network in person. It eliminates that sweaty handshake and stutter. I don’t have to go up to random people and begin conversations with a 30-second elevator pitch. Plus, LORD KNOWS now if I want to sit in my leggings and a top knot, I CAN!

But there are still some factors in which make it scary. For instance – a few weeks back, I was interviewed on a podcast called Trying My Best with the lovely Lizzie Schlafer. It was just a practice interview but I was still a bucket of sweaty, voice-cracking nerves. The entire experience felt like I was cheating my way through a job interview. One where I didn’t have to dress up or refrain from cursing.

It was still weird talking about myself though. I’m waay better at writing (hence this wondrous blog!). I can concisely compose my thoughts. Whereas when it comes to speaking – well I completely blacked out through some of the questions. PLUS I forgot to mention my obsession with Harry Potter. (hand to literal face!) I’ll blame it on the fact that I’ve had six concussions and call it a day.

Regardless, Lizzie maneuvered through this interview as if we were just grabbing our monthly breakfast and catching up about all things life, social media and photography.  She has an uncanny knack for making you feel at ease doing something you aren’t necessarily comfortable doing: awkward is her specialty.

And guess what – apparently our conversation was worthy of publishing because:
Click one to listen!

If you don’t already follow along with Trying My Best, do it now!! So many awesome things to come!

// riss

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