- a place for some words &
a whole lot of memories-



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When I began my business way back when, I sought the help from not only Google, but also a few different wedding professionals. This led me down a very narrow path toward creative-destruction. I began to play the comparison game so intensely that I questioned my own methods and my own instinctual approach. I regret […]

My Top 5 “Out of Focus” Black And White Photographs!

December 4, 2019

Creatives, Personal

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There are multiple editing styles within the realm of photography. The two main ones are light and airy and dark and moody. There are also some subgroups such as warmer (more orange), cooler (more blue), film-like, high-contrasty, and so on and so forth. Now a days though, with presets and the ability to create your […]

Editing Style: Why I Edit Light and Airy!

February 18, 2019


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When I began my college photography courses, there were a ton of dos and don’ts. The most important criteria was how sharp your images had to be. I mean – it’s fairly common knowledge to say when you think of a good photograph you think of a crisp, in-focus one. It is what wins awards. […]

Out of Focus: Real Life

January 25, 2019
